Multiple Generations

Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging

Our Values


Working with compassion, integrity, and humility to promote an age-positive and age-inclusive culture guided by the needs and interests of diverse older adults.


Establishing intergenerational, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral partnerships to build capacity in education and research in the field of aging.


Developing and translating evidence on age-inclusive environments, practices, and policies to improve the health and well-being of older adults, in a sustainable manner.


Being recognized as a valuable hub within our institution, our community, and beyond for catalyzing networks and advancing innovations to better serve the aging population.

Featured Research


Over one-third of Canadians aged 75 and older use walking aids such as canes, crutches, and walkers to improve their mobility and balance. However, the use of walking aids may result in upper body pain, injury, and increased risk of falling. These risks likely increase when walking aid users are not properly fit with their devices or trained on how to use them. To address this, Maureen O'Brien (Master's Student) and research team Dr. Ranita Manocha and Cheryl Barnabe, of the University of Calgary, have developed a video-based interactive mobile application known as Improving Canadians' Walking Aid Learning, Skills and Knowledge© (ICanWALK©).

The ICanWALK© app allows users to select a specific skill related to fitting or walking with their walking aid and watch an instructional video on that skill. They then videotape themselves while performing the skill and compare it to the instructional video while being guided through a series of assessment questions. In their study, after using the ICanWALK© app twice, participants experienced a 13% increase in balance confidence. Furthermore, feedback from participants has been promising, with many finding the app easy to use and understand. Participants have also reported an improvement in their overall mobility. The ultimate goal is to make the ICanWALK© app available to all Canadians, increasing the accessibility of walking aid training, and improving the care of older adults. 

Masters student, Maureen O'Brien

Maureen O'Brien

Featured News

Event attendees

A commitment to age inclusivity: Assessing the university’s age-friendly practices

The Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging is leading efforts to create an age-inclusive campus environment for all. A multidisciplinary research team led by the Centre's manager, Dr. Chantelle Zimmer, recently undertook the first evaluation of UCalgary's age-friendliness. Learn what the University is doing in terms of age-friendly practices and what faculty, staff, and students thought about these practices.

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