Research Outputs

The Centre on Aging supports research that aims to improve the health and well-being of older adults, including disseminating research knowledge to the broader community. The Centre is pleased to share outputs from research projects led by UCalgary researchers that align our three strategic priorities.

Priority 1: Rethinking Facility-Based Continuing Care

Demonstrate leadership in rethinking facility-based continuing care by establishing an experiential ecosystem for innovation.

Brenda Strafford Foundation Cambridge Manor facility

A Supportive End-of-Life Care Pathway for Long-Term Care
Led by: Dr. Patricia Harasym, Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc
Study Infographic

Factors Affecting PPE Use in Long-Term Care Settings
Led by: Christian Tsang, co-supervised by Dr. Jenine Leal and Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc
Study Infographic

Implementing Patient-Centred Clinical Care Pathways for Older Adults with Frailty in Long-Term Care
Led by: Dr. Zahra Goodarzi, Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc
Frailty Pathway

Profiling the Skill and Dedication of the Continuing Care Workforce
Led by: Dr. Bonnie Lashewicz
Study Infographic 
Study Animation

Green Thumb Pilot Study: Facilitating Activity Through Outdoor Access and Garden Program Initiatives
Led by: Dr. Sonya Jakubec, Dr. Dallas Seitz
Study Infographic

Implementing Robotic Pet Therapy in Continuing Care Settings for Persons Living with Dementia in Canada
Led by: Brooklyn Fernandes, co-supervised by Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc and Dr. Ann Toohey
Scoping Review Study Infographic
Tips for Organizational Leaders
Tips for Care Providers

Introducing Robotic Pets into Long-Term Care Settings: An Exploratory Study
Led by: Dr. Ann Toohey
Study Infographic


Priority 2: Transdisciplinary Aging Research and Scholarship

Catalyze transdisciplinary aging research and scholarship with a focus on creating age-inclusive innovations, environments, practices, and policies that also consider intersecting health inequities.

Group of researchers working at a table

Tackling Ageism in our Health and Social Care Systems
Led by: Dr. Bonnie Lashewicz
Letter to Editor

HealthTech Home: Evaluating the Use of Technology to Support Aging in Place
Led by: W21C
Study Report

Indigenous Brain Health: Social and Cultural Factors
Led by: Dr. Rita Henderson, Joyla A. Furlano, Shayla Scott Claringbold, Ashley Cornect-Benoit, Anh Ly, Dr. Jennifer Walker, Lisa Zaretsky, Dr. Pamela Roach
Study Summary                

Evaluation of an App-Based Walker Fitting and Gait Training Education Program for Older Adults
Led by: Maureen O'Brien, co-supervised by Dr. Ranita Manocha and Dr. Cheryl Barnabe
Educational Pamphlet

Priority 3: Age-Friendliness of UCalgary and the City of Calgary

 Enhance the age-friendliness of UCalgary and the City of Calgary, including addressing ageism and promoting age-inclusivity.

University of Calgary main campus in autumn

Assessing the University of Calgary’s Age-Friendliness
Led by: Dr. Chantelle Zimmer
Study Webpage

Past Projects

The Centre has supported a number of aging-related research projects since it was established.

An environmental scan of methods for assessing age-friendliness in post-secondary institutions
Research team: Chantelle Zimmer, Maya Goerzen, David Hogan, Ann Toohey

Evaluation of Calgary Seniors' Resource Society SeniorConnect Program
Research team: Ann Toohey, Katrina Milaney
Collaborators: Lee Tunstall, Anne McKinnon

Exploring the health promotion implications of a volunteer-based pet assistance program for socially isolated, lower income seniors in Calgary
Research team: Kate McLennan, Emma Mattos, Ann Toohey, Melanie Rock
Collaborators: Calgary Seniors' Resource Society

Older adults' perceptions of falls: A scoping review of the international literature
Research team: David Hogan, Chantelle Zimmer, Jayne Beselt, Ghozllane Selouani
Collaborators: Global Falls Guidelines Task Force

Predictors of reported alcohol intake during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada among middle-aged and older adults: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)
Research team: Jacqueline McMillan, David Hogan, Chantelle Zimmer, Nazmul Sohel, Christina Wolfson, Susan Kirkland, Lauren Griffith, Nicole Basta, Parminder Raina
Collaborators: University of Calgary Researchers and CLSA Team

Developing an evidence-based virtual falls prevention program for delivery to older patients in Calgary, Alberta
Research team: Dylan Viste, Cathy Harbidge, Ann Toohey, David Hogan
Collaborators: Alberta Health Services

Forging human-animal bonds? Robotic pets in care settings for people living with dementia
Research team: Ann Toohey, Amberlee Boulton, Cindy Adams, Jennifer Hewson, David Hogan, Melanie Rock
Collaborators: University of Calgary and International Researchers

Supporting aging-in-place: Exploring older adults’ housing needs and preferences, age-friendly principles, and adaptable housing options
Research team: Adibba Adel, Sian Jones, John Mungham, Ann Toohey, David Hogan
Collaborators: City of Calgary

Tools for eradicating structural ageism: A rapid review with recommendations
Research team: Dylan Viste, Ann Toohey, David Hogan, Sian Jones
Collaborators: City of Calgary

How do non-catastrophic natural disasters impact middle-aged-to-older persons? Using baseline Canadian longitudinal study on aging data to explore psychological outcomes associated with the 2013 Calgary flood
Research team: Samantha Norberg, Ann Toohey, David Hogan

Examining the municipal-level representativeness of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) cohort: An analysis using Calgary participant baseline data
Research team: Samantha Norberg, Ann Toohey, Sian Jones, Raynell McDonough, David Hogan
Collaborators: City of Calgary

Indigenous aging in Southern Alberta
Research team: Ashley Cornect-Benoit, Ann Toohey, David Hogan
Advisor: Dr. Michael Hart

Building capacity in aging-focused research and training opportunities at the University of Calgary: A systematic environmental scan 
Research team: Hasnian Ahmed, Ann Toohey, David Hogan

Global perspectives on assessing older drivers: Science informing public policy
Research team: David Hogan, Charles Scialfa, Jeff Caird
Collaborators: University of Calgary Researchers, Alberta Motor Association