Diverse people - hands

Health Equity HUB

O'Brien Institute for Public Health

What is health equity?

Everyone has the opportunity to be as ‘healthy’ as possible. This means addressing structural issues like poverty, racism, discrimination and violence – through ‘good’ social and health policy and easy to access services. 

Health Equity HUB purpose

The Health Equity HUB purpose is to support health equity scholars to translate research into social change, and to make improvements in service delivery (health care and community programs).

Health Equity HUB mission


The Health Equity HUB mission is ethical research grounded in relationships to bring to life community-led impact to society and advance health for all by addressing inequities.

Participants at the Health Equity HUB launch event

Voices for Health Equity

Health Equity HUB launch event report

Read the report

Watch - Health Equity HUB launch event

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