Member Operations Committee
The Member Operations Committee assists the O'Brien Institute for Public Health in the planning, prioritization, and implementation of the Institute's strategic plan

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Aliya Kassam
The O’Brien Institute for Public Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) portfolio recognizes the importance of fostering and sustaining inclusive learning, living and working environments for all. The portfolio not only strives to conduct public health research to meet the needs of marginalized groups in our institution and our community at large, but also exists as an opportunity for members to hone in on specific skills, knowledge and ideas about EDI, health, and wellbeing, while acknowledging that people from different backgrounds bring a wealth of knowledge to public health research, teaching and advocacy.
Mentorship and Leadership
Lorelli Nowell
By leveraging existing resources, and filling gaps as necessary, with evidence-informed online materials, workshops, programs, and events, the Mentorship and Professional Development portfolio helps members develop leadership skills and networking relationships.

Aleem Bharwani and Nishan Sharma
The Partnerships Portfolio oversees and facilitates the O’Brien Institute’s commitment to pluralism by establishing deep, co-creative, and longitudinal partnerships with public, private, civil society, and government stakeholders in pursuit of better health and health care in our local and global communities.
Public Policy
Aleem Bharwani and Lorian Hardcastle
The Public Policy Portfolio oversees and facilitates the O’Brien Institute’s established priority of creating the future of health policy and practise. Through a 'health in all policies' approach, the Institute has formed both a strategic council and an operational council to support the development of a Health Policy Initiative. The Initiative intends to sit at the creative and influential centre of citizens, government, and scholars.
See here for resources supporting health policy development.

Research Impact Assessment
Diane Lorenzetti
The RIA Portfolio informs Directors and members of the Institute on best practices in the fields of research metrics, key performance indicators, outcomes measurement, benchmarking, and reporting. Products and advice from the portfolio are evident in the Institute’s reports for its International Scientific Advisory Committee.
Fabiola Aparicio-Ting
The training mandate per se is beyond the scope of the O’Brien Institute, but undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, and resident trainees are valuable resources for the research endeavour of its members. The Trainee portfolio therefore liaises between the Institute and trainees, supervisors, training programs (within the Department of Community Health Sciences, other Cumming School of Medicine Departments, and other University of Calgary Faculties), and relevant funding agencies and interest groups to optimize the provision and output of this critical human resource.

Joe Arvai
Strategic Communications portfolio
Susan Cork
Professor and Department Head, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Ecosystem and Public Health*
Christopher (Chip) Doig
Professor and then Department Head, Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Alexandra Harrison
Director, Patient Experience, Alberta Health Services*
Jeff LaFrenz
Senior Director, Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute*
Gil Kaplan
Awards and Recognition portfolio
Lynn McIntyre
Associate Scientific Director
Bretta Maloff
Director, Healthy Living, Public Health*
Colleen Maxwell
Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, Departments of Community Health Sciences and Medicine
Gavin McCormack
Co-chair Seminar and Events portfolio; Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, Facultyof Environmental Design
Richard Musto
Medical Officer of Health, Calgary Zone, Alberta Health Services
Tom Noseworthy
Professor and then Department Head, Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Lisa Petermann
Program Research Leader, Research and Evaluation Unit, Cancer Programs, Alberta Health Services*
Sandra Reilly
Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing*
Ardene Robinson Vollman
Adjunct Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences
Peter Sargious
Strategic Partnerships
Chad Saunders
Assistant Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences and Health Innovation and Information Technology Centre (HiiTeC); Haskayne School of Business, Management Information Systems*
Judy Seidel
Senior Epidemiologist, Calgary Health Research*
Tom Stelfox
Assistant Professor, Departments of Critical Care Medicine, Medicine, and Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Wilfreda E. Thurston
Professor, Departments of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, and Ecosystem and Pubic Health, Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary
Suzanne Tough
Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, Departments of Pediatrics, and Community Health Sciences*
Jean Wallace
Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology
Tracy Wasylak
Vice President, Strategic Clinical Networks and Clinical Care Pathways, Alberta Health Services
Deborah White
Associate Dean (Research) and Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary
Rosmin Esmail
CHE Director, SCN Health Technology Assessment and Adoption, Innovation and Research Operations, Research Innovation and Analytics Portfolio, AHS
Jenny Godley
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary
Brenda Hemmelgarn
Department Head, Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine
Melanie Rock
Associate Scientific Director, O'Brien Institute for Public Health
Fariba Aghajafari
Awards and Recognition portfolio
Fabiola Aparicio-Ting
Seminars and Events portfolio
Jason Cabaj
Medical Officer of Health, Calgary Zone, Alberta Health Services
Nick Falvo
Strategic Communications portfolio
Kirsten Fiest
Trainees portfolio
Jennifer Hatfield
Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement portfolio
Kerry McBrien
Seminars and Events portfolio
Scott Patten
Community Health Sciences Department Head