

Dr. Kirsten Fiest, PhD

Scientific Director

Dr. Kirsten Fiest is the Institute's Scientific Director. She brings a wealth of expertise, a commitment to advancing public health, and an inspiring vision for the institute to the role.

Fiest is an accomplished academic, currently an associate professor of critical care medicine, community health sciences and psychiatry at the CSM. Her research is focused on partnering with patients and family members to improve care and outcomes of critically ill patients and their families. 

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Stephen Samis

Associate Scientific Director, Policy and Partnerships, Centre for Health Policy

Stephen Samis has over 25 years' experience in health and health care, advancing evidence-informed health policy and population health to improve health systems and the health of Canadians. He is currently president, Samis Health Policy Consulting Inc. and works with a variety of clients on health and social policy issues, leadership development and evidence-informed decision making in the health and social sectors.

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Stephen Samis
Paul Ronksley

Dr. Paul Ronksley, PhD

Associate Scientific Director, Health Systems

Dr. Ronksley earned his PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Calgary and honed his expertise in Clinical Epidemiology through a Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. His impactful program of research centers on access to healthcare and cost containment strategies for patients with multimorbidity, demonstrating his commitment to improving health-care outcomes.

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Dr. Pamela Roach, PhD

Deputy Director - Population Health

Dr. Roach is an assistant professor in the departments of family medicine and community health sciences, also serving as academic director, Indigenous engagement in the VPR Office at University of Calgary. A proud citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta, Dr. Roach completed her PhD in medical and human sciences at University of Manchester, England, before returning for a postdoctoral fellowship in family medicine at University of Alberta, Canada.

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dr roach
Jamie Day

Dr. Jamie Day, PhD

Administrative Director

Dr. Jamie Day is Administrative Director of the O'Brien Institute. Trained as a biomedical researcher (PhD Neuroscience), her postdoctoral experiences developed strengths in scientific writing & research management. Dr. Day has over ten years’ experience as a university research administrator and brings to the Institute valuable experience with strategic funding applications, budgeting & reporting of research infrastructure projects, among other things.

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Dr. Tom Stelfox

Past Scientific Director

Dr. Tom Stelfox was the Scientific Director of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health.

He received his M.D. from the University of Alberta, Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Toronto, Ph.D. in Health Care Policy at Harvard University and Critical Care Fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He is a Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Calgary and practicing intensive care physician in Alberta Health Services – Calgary Zone.

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Dr. Kirsten Fiest

Past Associate Scientific Director - Health Systems

Dr. Kirsten Fiest, PhD, is an associate professor of Critical Care Medicine, Community Health Sciences & Psychiatry at the University of Calgary. She is also Director of Research and Innovation in the Department of Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Fiest received her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Calgary and completed post-doctoral training in neuro and psychiatric epidemiology at the University of Manitoba.

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Dr. Fiest has been appointed the new Scientific Director of the O'Brien Institute.

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Dr. Katrina Milaney

Past Associate Scientific Director - Population Health

Dr. Milaney is a research fellow within the School of Public Policy and is the founder and lead of the Institute’s Social and Structural Vulnerabilities program. To the ASD role, she brings a wealth of experience and partnerships with academics, government, industry, and community, including the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, the Centre of Excellence for At Risk Youth, and the CanCOVID network.


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Dr. William Ghali

Past Scientific Director

Dr. Ghali was the Scientific Director of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health at the University of Calgary from 2010 to 2020. He is also a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary, and a practicing physician specialized in Internal Medicine. He is a principal in the University of Calgary World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre in Disease Classifications and health information. 

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Dr. Ghali has been appointed as Vice-President (Research), for a five-year term effective March 1, 2020.

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William Ghali

Dr. Christine Friedenreich

Associate Scientific Director

Served as Interim Scientific Director from March to November 2020.

Dr. Christine Friedenreich is an accomplished epidemiologist dedicated to prevention who – through committed and ongoing participation in Institute programs, such as Internal Peer Review – has cemented a reputation as a capacity and community builder who values service and the success of others.


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Christine Friedenreich

Dr. Melanie Rock

Past Associate Scientific Director

Dr. Melanie Rock served as the O’Brien Institute’s Associate Scientific Director from 2016 to 2018. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Calgary, where her primary appointment is in the Cumming School of Medicine's Department of Community Health Sciences. At UCalgary, she also has adjunct appointments in multiple departments and faculties.

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Melanie Rock

Dr. Lynn McIntyre

Strategic Adviser, Past Associate Scientific Director 

Dr. Lynn McIntyre is Professor Emerita of Community Health Sciences in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She retired from her active faculty position in November 2015.  She continues to be involved in research and in population health advancement. 

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Lynn McIntyre