O'Brien Institute - Alliances
The O’Brien Institute is fortunate to share aligned interests, goals, and ongoing Institution-level collaborations with numerous independent groups.

Alberta Strategy for Patient Oriented Research SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU)
The Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU) provides expertise, training and resources to increase Alberta’s capacity for patient-oriented research. The aim of AbSPORU is to bridge the gap between research evidence and health decisions and ultimately make sure health research has an impact for patients and the health system.

Centre for Health Informatics
The Centre for Health Informatics aims to advance and innovate health informatics for Precision Health through timely data access, data analytics such as visualization, linkage and coding, and leading research using secondary data for research trials, and clinical decision support. In Alberta's unique healthcare environment with a single Electronic Medical Records system, CHI brings together data assets to foster collaboration among investigators, support grant development, recruit faculty and students, develop cutting-edge analytics, and build capacity in data science and machine-learning.

Community Allied Mobile Palliative Partnership (CAMPP)
Community Allied Mobile Palliative Partnership is uniquely positioned as an adaptive, interfacing and outreach-based service, to improve palliative & end of life experiences for persons with a life-limiting/threatening illness who are experiencing/at risk of homelessness.
CAMPP helps advocate for people experiencing homelessness and those vulnerably housed with terminal illness at end of life. We help those clients commonly experiencing structural vulnerabilities to navigate a complex healthcare system. In doing so we strive to enhance health equity in palliative care.

Health Technology Assessment Unit
The HTA Unit is a team of dedicated health services researchers passionate about bridging the gap between science and policy by offering a unique skill set in systematic reviews, health economics, program evaluation and research design, and methodology. The HTA Unit aims be a leader in supporting evidence-informed health policy using innovative research methodology as a tool to integrate evidence into policy, promoting the flow of research to policy, and creating a receptive audience for evidence-informed health policy.

Imagine Citizens Network
Imagine Citizens Network is an Alberta-based network of people and community-oriented partners that offers collaboration pathways to deliver person-centred healthcare. The vision of the Imagine Citizens Network is a health system intentionally designed in partnership between citizens and other stakeholders to achieve the best possible experiences and outcomes for all Albertans.

Indigenous, Local and Global Health Office
The CSM Indigenous, Local and Global Health office facilitates education, research and engagement efforts that build health equity at home and abroad. It draws from experience to offer best-evidence resources that enable students, staff and faculty to pursue community-driven solutions that address social and health disparities, and through this engagement to co-foster solutions that change inequitable conditions, systems and policies.
The Institute of Health Economics (IHE)
The Institute of Health Economics (IHE) is an Alberta-based non-profit research organization which conducts commissioned work in evidence synthesis, economic evaluation and policy engagement to support informed health system policy and investment decisions by public and private partners, provincially and nationally. The University of Calgary sits on the IHE Board along with key Alberta health system stakeholders.

Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education
The Mathison Centre is dedicated to advancing research and education on early identification, treatment and prevention of mental illness. The centre is located at the University of Calgary and is based on a close partnership between the Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Department of Psychiatry. The roles of the centre include the following:
- Funding and supporting international researchers of tomorrow
- Providing a hub for mental health research at the University of Calgary
- Coordinating ‘state of the art’ learning events
- Promoting and sharing research findings

The Network of Alberta Health Economists (NOAHE)
The Network of Alberta Health Economists (NOAHE) developed through a partnership with the Institute of Health Economics (Secretariat), Alberta Health, the University of Alberta, and the University of Calgary, seeking to 1) improve health economics capacity in Alberta and 2) improve collaboration between the users and producers of health economics evidence. It serves as a collective resource for decision-makers and a growing community of practice.

One Health at UCalgary
One Health is a transdisciplinary approach committed to tackling complex problems at the convergence of people, animals, the environment, and the underlying economic and social factors that determine the opportunities for health across all ecosystems. The One Health at UCalgary team is developing research, training, and community engagement programs to meet that commitment.

Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship
The Office of Health & Medical Education Scholarship (OHMES) is a catalyst and enabler for educational scholarship in the Cumming School of Medicine, focusing on the scholarship of teaching. It is a community rather than solely a provider of services, helping to ensure quality and capacity in educational programs and thereby in the health workforce as a whole.