O'Brien Institute - Research Interest Groups
To increase the value of membership, the O’Brien Institute supports groups of members who advance their work in topic-specific entities of varying models, sizes, and developmental stage.

Geography of Health and GIS Analysis Research Group
Geographies of health encompass a plurality of research paradigms and methodologies, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data analysis. The Geography of Health (GoH) group supports geographical enquiry and spatial thinking in population and public health. The GoH group serves as a hub, connecting geographical expertise with health research and practice.

Group for Patient-Reported Measures
A community of users, researchers, clinicians, trainees, and patients focused on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Experiences (PROMs and PREMs).

Health Economics Group
The University of Calgary Health Economics Group includes a dedicated group of faculty who are committed to teaching in Health Economics and conduct a broad range of research within Health Economics. The Health Economics group seeks to build capacity among faculty and trainees; foster links to policy-makers; enhance opportunities for training in Health Economics; and act as a catalyst for high quality research in Health Economics. This will increase the impact of health economics research at the University of Calgary and increase the national and international profile of Calgary-based applied health economics research.

Refugee Health YYC
Refugee Health YYC is a Research, Innovation, and Education platform at the University of Calgary's O'Brien Institute for Public Health that is closely partnered with the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic in Calgary as an academic platform for clinicians who provide care for newly arrived refugees and asylum claimants for up to two years.

Sex, Gender and Women's Health Research Hub
The O'Brien Institute's Sex, Gender and Women's Health Hub (SGWH*) focuses on research, knowledge translation and implementation science in order to drive collaborative change in how female reproductive healthcare in Alberta is delivered.

Transplant Wellness Program
The Transplant Wellness Program supports research and training that focuses on the well-being of individuals and families living with end-stage kidney, liver, or lung disease before and after transplantation.

University of Calgary Biostatistics Centre
UCBC is a multi-faculty initiative, the remit of which is to position the University of Calgary as a leader in the development and application of biostatistical methodology for research problems on the cutting edge of biomedical research. Emphasis is on solving big data problems, and on high-end computational and ‘statistical learning’ techniques (data science), in the context of many of UCalgary's existing strengths, for example in bioinformatics, genetics, infectious disease epidemiology, kinesiology, population ecology, and clinical trials.