Health Economics
Team awards and achievements:
Sarah Cooper successfully defended her MSc thesis entitled 'Evaluating key performance indicators in juvenile idiopathic arthritis to improve quality of care', under the supervision of Dr. Deborah Marshall
Dr. Adrijana Da'Silva successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled 'The Evaluation of Virtually Delivered Yoga as Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome', under the supervision of Dr. Matreyi Raman and co-supervisor Dr. Deborah Marshall.
Dr. Deborah Marshall launched a brand new website the Marshall Health Economics and Health Services Research Team https://cumming.ucalgary.ca/research/health-economics/home
Dr. Deborah Marshall and team share their new publication; Shewchuk B, Green LA, Barber T, Miller J, Teare S, Campbell-Scherer D, Mrklas KJ, Li LC, Marlett N, Wasylak T, Lopatina E, McCaughey D, Marshall DA Patients’ Use of Mobile Health for Self-management of Knee Osteoarthritis: Results of a 6-Week Pilot Study JMIR Form Res 2021;5(11):e30495 doi: 10.2196/30495 PMID: 34842526
Darren Mazzei, Elena Lopatina, and Xiaoxiao Liu received Health System Impact Fellowship awards https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/51211.html
Dr. Elena Lopatina successfully defended her PhD thesis last week (end of October, 2021).Supervisors: Dr. Deborah Marshall and Dr. Claire BarberThesis topic: Evaluation of an alternative model of care for stable Rheumatoid Arthritis patients: Collaborator nurse-led shared care model
Lanny Li (health econ master’s student) won first prize at the Department of Surgery’s Surgical Fellows and Residents Research Symposium on May 14, 2021.
Bryanne Kennedy (CHS master's student) also received an MDCH Achievement Award! Amount: $880
Sarah Cooper (CHS master's student) just received an MDCH Achievement Award in the amount of $1925.
Bryanne Kennedy (CHS master's student) recently received two awards!
- University of Calgary Graduate Studies Scholarship in the amount of $3000 effective January 1, 2021. This award of up to $5,000 is open to full-time graduate students who applied to the latest Graduate Award Competition.
- William H. Davies Medical Research Scholarships in the amount of $3000 effective January 1, 2021. The William H Davies Medical Research Scholarship is an award endowed through a bequest of the late William H. Davies. The value is between $3,000 to $11,000 depending upon the candidate's qualifications, experience, and graduate program, and the awards are made solely on the basis of academic excellence (e.g. GPA, awards and prizes, publications, and research).
Byranne is supervised by Dr. Gillian Currie and Dr. Deborah Marshall, Bryanne’s thesis research involves interviewing patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis to understand what matters to them in taking care of their osteoarthritis. The interviews will also explore who and what they believe influences their osteoarthritis. This research will contribute to an understanding of what matters to patients when designing programs to help them manage their osteoarthritis.
Luiza Grazziotin Lago received the Canadian Rheumatology Association & Arthritis Health Professions Association 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting award for Best Abstract by a Post-Graduate Research Trainee. Abstract Title: Disentangling the Web of Costs Associated with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Certificate and $1,000
Toni Tagimacruz graduated with her PhD in Operations Management
Darren Mazzei passed his PhD candidacy exam
Rosmin Esmail successfully defended her PhD on Oct 14. Rosmin’s work comprised three studies to determine how KT approaches are used to translate HTR outputs to achieve the desired outcomes; a scoping review of KT Theories, a modified Delphi process and expert survey to review the identified KT theories and determine which may be suitable for HTR and an in-depth qualitative inquiry to understand the characteristics that must be included in a KT model for HTR. This is the first body of work that examines the relationship between HTR and KT. Offering guidance to users on the application of KT theories to the HTR process, this work advances the practice of HTR.
Dr. Deborah Marshall joined a very distinguished list of nationally and internationally recognized UCalgary faculty by winning the Killam Annual Professorship. This award recognizes her scholarship, dedication to research excellence and outstanding student supervision.
Dr. Deborah Marshall was inducted into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in recognition of her evidence-informed, patient-centered approach to health-care research, decision-making, and policy-making. Learn more
Jewel Bohach (Undergraduate student) was awarded “Best presentation” in the Clinical Research Presentation series facilitated by Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, the Owerko Centre, and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute ($50, effective September 2020).
Sarah Cooper (MSc student) received the MSc Entrance Award sponsored by the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Calgary ($4,000 effective September 2020).
Darren Mazzei received the Top Presenter in MSK Rehab Research Award sponsored by the Canadian MSK Rehab Research Network at the Canadian Bone and Joint Conference
Join Our Team!
Dr. Deborah Marshall’s research team at the University of Calgary is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in Health Preferences Research to join the team. Please see details in attached posting.