Membership agreement
Membership benefits include networking, Institute mentorship program, internal peer review, research infrastructure and knowledge translation platforms
Stakeholder engagement:
Development of the strategic and financial partnerships and relationships necessary to advance the Institute's mission and realize its vision.
Knowledge generation:
Integration of the skills, resources and incentives of individuals and teams, to support timely, relevant and crosscutting research.
Knowledge mobilization:
Evaluation, contextualization and communication of knowledge to accelerate the capture of benefits and inform subsequent rounds of research and knowledge translation.
By submitting a membership profile form, applicants agree to support the vision, mission and purpose of the Institute as outlined above and also agree that, as members, they will:
- be willing to receive regular email communications from the Institute
- actively engage in Institute initiatives (e.g., trans-disciplinary research, knowledge translation and community engagement activities and all-members meetings of the Institute)
- be willing to serve on Institute committees, including those providing internal peer review, mentorship and continuing professional development opportunities to Institute members and trainees
- share relevant resources (e.g., scholarly contributions, data sets, education and training opportunities) in a timely manner with Institute members and teams
- assist in raising awareness of the Institute and fostering its financial support
- be responsive to media inquiries and other opportunities to contribute their expertise and views in public fora
- acknowledge the Institute, where appropriate, in grant applications, publications, presentations and interviews
- maintain and update their profile and contact details as necessary.
By submitting their membership form, applicants for membership, and existing members, confirm that they have read the privacy statement and that they:
- approve the filing and storage of their personal information
- approve the display on the Institute’s public website of their profile - name, degrees and designations, affiliations, photograph (if provided), research interests and program, including projects and publications
- approve the inclusion in the Institute’s secure, contact relationship management (CRM) database of their profile (as described above) and contact details - telephone number, e-mail address, personal website address (if applicable) - to facilitate communication among members
- approve the inclusion of their provided email address in the Institute email list.