The Methods Hub
Director & Executive Committee
DIRECTOR: Maria J. Santana, PhD
Dr. Maria Santana is an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Calgary, W21C Research and Innovation Centre, Institute of Public Health and the Department of Community Health Sciences. Dr. Santana completed a degree in Pharmacy and a Master in Pharmaceutical Technology at University of La Laguna in Spain. In 2009, she received her PhD in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Alberta. Dr. Santana is a patient-reported outcome measures methodologist. The adoption of patient-reported outcome measures as standard practice at the University of Alberta Hospital lung transplant clinics is an outcome of her doctoral research. Current research interests include patient-centered care, patient engagement, transitions of care, the practice of Iyengar yoga for chronically ill individuals, and quality of care.
Email: mjsantan@ucalgary.ca
Danielle Southern, MSc
Danielle is a Research Associate with the W21C Research and Innovation Centre, Institute of Public Health and the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary. Danielle has a background in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (BSc University of Manitoba) and Biostatistics (MSc University of Calgary). She works with many inter-disciplinary teams as an analyst and coordinator. She works as a Senior Analyst with the Alberta Provincial Project for Outcomes Assessment in Coronary Heart Disease (APPROACH) and a Member of the World Health Organization Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) Quality & Safety Topic Advisory Group.
Email: dasouthe@ucalgary.ca
Hude Quan, PhD
Dr. Hude Quan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Community Health Sciences and the Centre for Health and Policy Study of the University of Calgary. Dr. Quan has received training in medicine, public health, epidemiology and health services research. A major theme of Dr. Quan’s research is to answer how to improve health care delivery through research on issues of methodology in health services research for health researchers, and applied health services research in quality of care and disease surveillance for policy-makers and health care providers. Dr. Quan received Cochrane Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, 2007 and Young Innovator Award, University of Calgary and Petro-Canada, 2003.
Email: hquan@ucalgary.ca
Diane Lorenzetti, MLS Librarian
Diane Lorenzetti is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the University of Calgary's Department of Community Health Sciences and a Research Librarian with the Institute of Health Economics. She received her Master's degree from the University of Toronto in 1991 and has over 15 years of experience in the fields of medical and scientific librarianship and information studies, with particular emphasis on the practice and teaching of systematic reviews and HTA methodologies. She is Co-Representative of the University of Calgary Canadian Cochrane Centre Regional Site and through this role provides support and training to researchers undertaking systematic reviews for the Cochrane Collaboration.
Email: dllorenz@ucalgary.ca
Tolulope Sajobi, PhD
Dr. Sajobi received his PhD in Biostatistics at the University of Saskatchewan. He is a methodologist, trained in the theory and application of statistical methods to real life problems. His research interests include analysis of longitudinal data, multivariate statistics, and methods for analysing quality of life outcomes. He collaborates with academics, clinicians, and applied researchers on various research projects using statistical tools to extract valuable information from large datasets.
Email: tolu.sajobi@ucalgary.ca
Mingshan Lu, PhD
Dr. Mingshan Lu is a Professor in the Department of Economics at University of Calgary, where she has been on the faculty since 1997, after earning MA and Ph.D. in economics from Boston University. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Department of Community Health Sciences at University of Calgary, and a Fellow at the Institute of Health Economics in Alberta. Dr. Lu has been a Visiting Associate Professor at University of Technology, Sydney, as well as Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Dr. Lu is a health economist whose research expertise is on health care financing issues, with a focus on the economic incentives in different funding and payment systems. Her research program spans the following topics: health care financing, design and impacts of health care payment systems, risk adjustment and fund allocation, health care disparities and vulnerable populations, global health and health sector reform in China, and economics of substance abuse and mental health. Dr. Lu has done innovative and original research in performance-based contracting and alternative payment methods for physicians. Through applying economic theories and econometrics methods to evaluate the impacts of health care financing methods, her work has contributed to a better understanding of how economic incentives could be used in health care payment to improve system performance.
Dr. Lu has published widely on a large range of lead economics, health economics, health services research, health policy, and medical journals. She has led an innovative book project funded by the Institute of Health Economics in Alberta. This commissioned volume reviewed theoretical rationales, empirical evidences, and international experiences to bring out lessons about impacts of various financing and payment models that are particularly of interest to health policy makers. Dr Lu’s level of research achievement is demonstrated by the various research awards and grants she has received. In addition to two consecutive AHFMR Population Health Investigator awards, she has been successful in receiving operating grants for her research from provincial, national, and international funding agencies.
Email: lu@ucalgary.ca
Tyler Williamson, PhD
Tyler Williamson is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary and a member of the O’Brien Institute of Public Health and the Alberta Children’s Hospital research Institute. His research interests include health data integration (combining electronic medical record and health administrative data), chronic disease surveillance and research using electronic medical record data, and non-canonical link functions for binomial generalized linear models. He is a national and internationally recognized in the use of electronic medical record data for public health surveillance, health services research, and practice quality improvement working with organizations such as the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada’s Marketed Health Products Directorate.
Email: tyler.williamson@ucalgary.ca