E-Health ISAG

Impact on policy

The Institute has shaped Alberta’s e-health landscape through the development of a policy white paper, wherein health organizations recognize and acknowledge its declarations — accountability to communicate with and inform patients, and buy-in to a system where patients are able to access, receive and share quality health care information, in a digitally-integrated, seamless health care system.

That policy development work was led by Institute member Dr. Doreen Rabi, MD, in partnership with the provincial government, Alberta Health Services, the Alberta Medical Association, and other associated bodies.

The Institute has also worked with Alberta Health and professional organizations on a number of occasions in recent years to help create Alberta’s e-health landscape. The Institute worked with the Ministry of Health and Alberta Health Services (AHS) to convene strategic discussions between groups and to create a common vision of e-health services in Alberta. The Institute also advised Alberta’s provincial government following a national and international scan of other jurisdictions to inform the local system.