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A one-week curriculum on project management for public health professionals has been developed enabling participants to rapidly learn the practical skills needed to effectively lead small-scale public health project

  1. Project management

    Projects are time-limited endeavours that produce unique outcomes distinct from an organization's day-to-day activities. Successful completion of public health projects is critical to achieving population health objectives, however, project execution is often challenging due to scarce time and resources, rapidly changing environments and complex stakeholder requirements.

    Project management is a formal methodology that addresses these challenges using a structured process for executing a series of activities. Health needs assessments, health promotion and disease prevention initiatives, environmental health risk assessments and evidence-based research agendas are just some applications that would benefit from effective planning and implementation using project management principles.

    Unfortunately, though project management has a long history of successful use in private enterprise, the methodology has not been widely embraced by public health professionals. To address the need for a focused curriculum tailored to rapid skill development in project management for public health professionals, a one-week introductory course has been developed and successfully piloted. The main learning objective for the course is to "acquire practical skills to develop a Project Management Plan to effectively and efficiently achieve a health objective".

  2. Course outline and downloads

    Introduction to Project Management

    • Project management approach
    • Project life cycle
    • Project idea and stakeholders 

    Projection Definition 

    Project Planning 

    Project Execution & Close-Out 

    Course Conclusion 

    • Team presentations and course evaluation
  3. Course materials

    Course materials are being made publicly available to encourage their dissemination and use. A qualified instructor would be required to deliver the curriculum and modification of the material may be necessary to meet local needs. Any questions or comments on the course materials can be directed to the author:

    David Sabapathy, MD, MBA, PEng
    Deputy Chief Public Health Officer
    PEI Department of Health and Wellness
    PO Box 2000
    16 Fitzroy Street
    2nd Floor Sullivan Building
    Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8

    * Original PowerPoint and Word documents (vs. pdf or similar) have been posted to encourage dissemination and use. Acknowledgement of the author's contribution is requested for use of the original materials and any modification of the course materials should be indicated as distinct from the author's work.

    Project Management Education for Public Health Professionals by David Sabapathy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License.

A critical review of the literature to inform practice

Three O'Brien Institute for Public Health members were included in a critical review of the literature on the conceptualization, implementation and evaluation of inter-organizational networks.  This literature review is primarily meant to be a resource document for network practitioners - leaders, managers, participants and facilitators. 

Advice on applying for a grant, writing papers, setting up a research team and managing your time

The Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) has created a guidebook for principle investigators which includes advice on grant applications, writing papers, setting up research teams, and managing time. This guidebook is intended for researchers, both new and experienced, who write grant applications in any area of health research.

Tools, toolkits and resources to help with knowledge translation 

The Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit has created a list of resources to help with knowledge translation. This list includes tools, toolkits, and other resources that are specific to end-grant KT, are specific to integrated KT, are for developing a KT plan, along with other more general KT resources.

Golden light moving downwards

Awards and recognition

The O'Brien Institute Awards are designed to recognize excellence among our membership, inform nominations for external awards, and stimulate research career development. 

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