Catalyst Project Funding

O’Brien Institute awards for members launching new research projects

People working on laptops

Catalyst project funds are awarded to Institute members proposing early phases of well-conceived research activities that:

  • support team-building, interdisciplinary collaborations, and new activities;
  • are designed to leverage larger, competitive, national-level, external funding within 24 months;
  • support the mission, goals, and focus areas of the Institute;
  • are scientifically rigorous, informed by evidence, and relevant to stakeholders;
  • are designed to yield significant ensuing academic outputs and societal impact.

In 2024, at least two Catalyst project competitions will be advertised well in advance of separate opportunities to align with the Institute's strategic areas of focus.  Awards of $10,000 - $15,000 can be requested, for one- (to two-) year projects, and partner contributions from relevant stakeholders are encouraged. Decisions will be made based on the criteria set out in an application (which will be adapted from this generic application template), by a panel of Institute Directors, members, and possibly funding-source representatives. To assess return on investment, and ensure optimal program evolution, Catalyst awardees are required to submit annual outcomes reports (which will be adapted from this generic annual outcomes report). To enhance the profile of the Institute and recognize sponsors, outputs of Catalyst project awards will acknowledge the funding source.

NEW: Population Health projects, 2024


To support progress toward the Institute’s Healthier Populations goals, a dedicated Catalyst competition is being held to fund the early stage of 2 – 3 projects deemed likely to leverage external funding and societal impact.  Please use this application template and submit completed package (in one .pdf file) to by:  DEADLINE July 2, 23:59:00 MST

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of Institute Review Leads, and decisions will be provided before July 15.

Population Health Catalyst awardees are required to submit annual outcomes reports using this template. Note that this reporting requirement includes a new element (the Knowledge Engagement Impact Story) aimed at assessing engagement with community partners.  

  • Want to discuss your project ideas prior to submitting the Catalyst application?  Register for a Chalk Talk before May 21
  • Want more info on the new reporting tool and how to use it?  Contact UofC’s KE Team, or watch for a workshop to be scheduled for O’Brien members