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Registration for O'Brien IPR

Cumming School of Medicine members:

CSM has created an online IPR registration tool and expects all CSM members of Institutes to use it for known, scheduled opportunities. All CSM applicants will have access to the online tool using their U of C login information. The O'Brien Institute requests information supplemental to what you are required to enter into the online IPR registration tool, via the IPH-IPR Upload Attachment Form. Taken together, the online registration and supplemental information form (to be uploaded as an attachment in the online registration) alert the Institute to your intention to submit a grant proposal and/or request IPR and provide us with basic details about you and your proposal. 

Members external to the Cumming School of Medicine:

Please complete this Registration long form and submit to

Members with trainees applying for Fellowship funding:

Please work with your (potential) trainee to complete this registration form and submit to