The University of Calgary Biostatistics Centre
Statistical Analysis of Network Data Workshop (via Zoom)
Eric D. Kolaczyk
February 22, 2022 9:00am - noon
View recording
Passcode: !S@V7k4D
February 23, 2022 1:00 - 4:00 pm
View recording
Passcode: 1*R=5CHb
Introduction to R Workshop (via Zoom)
Bowei Ding
February 22, 2022 4:00 - 6:30pm, or February 23, 2022 9:00 - 11.30am
Statistical Methods for Precision Medicine Workshop (via Zoom)
Erica E.M. Moodie and Eric Rose
February 22 - 23, 2021 9am - 12 noon
Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Healthcare Data Workshop
CANSSI Distinguished Visitor Lecture: Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona
February 17, 2021 10 - 11am
Improving the analysis of longitudinal health studies through joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data (via Zoom)
Analysis of Life History Data with Multistate Models
April 8, 2019
Regression Modelling Strategies Workshop
September 1, 2018
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Event-Time Data in Biomedical and Health Research Workshop
Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona
October 18, 2017
1. Joint modelling workshop: Software training session Solutions
Applied Longitudinal Data Workshop
Garrett Fitzmaurice
February 8, 2017
Introduction to Causal Inference Workshop
Erica E. M. Moodie
June 8, 2016
1. Causality, confounding, & counterfactuals: An overview of the conceptual framework
2. Propensity Scores & Covariate Balance
3. Marginal effects for the time-fixed treatments: model construction & checking
Missing and Incomplete Data Workshop
Don McLeish & Cyntha Struthers, University of Waterloo
December 5, 2015
Workshop Materials
2. Completing the Incomplete Data Handout
6. Bibliography
Introduction to Tableau Workshop
Introduction to Tableau: one of the most popular data visualization and business intelligence tools for data scientists and statisticians (via Zoom)
Jason Scarlett
September 15, 2021 1 - 2 pm
For more information about the Interdisciplinary Biostatistics graduate specializations, please contact the Program Coordinator, Prof. Rob Deardon (rob.deardon@ucalgary.ca).