March 22, 2023
Celebrating success
The O’Brien Institute congratulates its recent awards winners:
Senior Investigator Award, Hypertension Canada
Dr. Sofia Ahmed, MD, professor, Department of Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
Young Investigator Award
Dr. Miranda Fidler-Benaoudia, PhD, adjunct professor, departments of oncology and community health sciences, member of the O’Brien Institute, the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute and the Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute.
Young Investigator Award, Diabetes Canada
Dr. Sonia Butalia, MD, associate professor, departments of medicine and community health sciences, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
Mid-Career Researcher Award, North American Primary Care Research Group
Dr. Turin Tanvir Chowdhury, PhD, associate professor, departments of family medicine and community health sciences and a member of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
Elected member of the Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Dr. Fiona Clement, PhD, department head, Community Health Sciences.
Panmure House Prize
Dr. Aravind Ganesh, MD, assistant professor, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.
Named to the Order of Canada
Dr. Michael Hill, MD, professor department of medicine and clinical neurosciences, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.
May Cohen Equity, Diversity and Gender Award, The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, MD, academic lead, Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging, department head, Department of Medicine, professor, departments of medicine and community health sciences.
Distinguished Service Award, Alberta Medical Association
Dr. James (Jim) Kellner, MD, professor, Department of Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute.
Campbell Collaboration, The Farah Jamal Award
Dr. Zack Marshall, PhD, associate professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, member of the O’Brien Institute.
Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award, Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Dr. Amy Metcalfe, PhD, associate professor, departments of obstetrics and gynecology, medicine, and community health sciences, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute.
Leadership in Patient Safety & Quality Assurance Award, Canadian Association of Pathologists
Dr. Christopher Naugler, MD, associate dean, Undergraduate Medical Education, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute.
Calgary Black Achievement Award for Medicine and Health, Calgary Black Chambers
Dr. Kannin Osei-Tutu, MD, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute.
Donald Rice Award, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Kannin Osei-Tutu, MD, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute.
Distinguished Service Award, American Epilepsy Society
Dr. Samuel Wiebe, MD, professor, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.
TOP 40 UNDER 40 2022, Avenue Magazine
Dr. David Campbell, MD, PhD, assistant professor, departments of Medicine, Community Health Sciences, and Cardiac Sciences, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
Dr. Leslie Skeith, MD, associate professor, Department of Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, Government of Alberta
Dr. Gabriel Fabreau, MD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute.
Dr. Alexander Leung, MD, associate professor, Department of Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute and the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
Dr. Doreen M. Rabi, MD, professor, Department of Medicine, member of the O’Brien Institute, and the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
Dr. Ann Toohey, PhD, manager, research and scientific, Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging.
Emerging Research Leader award
Dr. Carly McMorris, PhD, associate professor, Dean's Office – Education, member of the O’Brien Institute.
Graduate Supervision and Mentorship Award
Dr. Christine Walsh, PhD, professor, Faculty of Social Work, member of the O’Brien Institute.
Research Excellence Award
Dr. Suzanne Tough, PhD, professor, departments of paediatrics and community health sciences, member of the O’Brien Institute
Service to People and Partners
Dr. Jamie Day, PhD, administrative director, O’Brien Institute.
Glenda MacQueen Distinguished Leadership Award
Dr. Katrina Milaney, PhD, associate professor, Department of Community Health Sciences and associate scientific director, population health, at the O’Brien Institute
If you are an O'Brien Institute member who has recently won an award and would like to be recognized, please email